March 24, 2013

Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday

Last year's bible study on the Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday is available for you on each picture. Have a blessed week and abundant life in our Lord Jesus the Christ and the Lamb slain for our redemption.

Day one is Palm Sunday

Day two is Holy Monday

Day three is called Holy Tuesday.

30 pieces of silver.Shekels on 350 year old Hebrew Manuscript.Judas Iscariot betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of Silver.
Day four is Betrayal Wednesday

Day five is Maundy Thursday.

The sixth day is known as Good Friday.

Seventh day is the Sabbath or Shabbat; in this week it is called Holy Saturday.

Resurrection Sunday

Thank you for visiting with me as we journey through
the Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday together.

March 22, 2013

Shh, It's Almost Homemade Buttercream

The easiest, almost homemade butter-cream frosting is right here at It was so simple that I will definitely make this again. I made a lemon-aid cake for Jared Tomlinson and Cheramy Moore's rehearsal dinner. Tomorrow is the big day when they will be the new Mr. and Mrs. Jared Tomlinson.

It was a fun evening. Here are a few pictures that I took that I would like to share with you.
First, we have to get there. Hop on, there is room for you and you.

Shh, It's almost homemade butter-cream. Well, I mixed the ingredients, so, I guess you can call it homemade.

A floral planter. What fun this would be to have in an old fashioned garden with an arbor and a wrap-around white picket fence. And a swing, don't forget the swing and of course we must have iced tea.

I enjoyed your visit, thank you for stopping by.


March 18, 2013

Just saying, "Thank You"

I was assigned the most stressful job anyone could have: to de-escalate complaints of extremely angry people, listen to every opinion and every cuss word (and although people say it is not directed at me they are just venting non-the-less I am taking the call) and still carry yourself like a professional representing a very important organization; it's a tough job but somebody has got to do it; so they (my bosses) chose a few people to turn around the external escalation situation by putting a special crew to handle these calls. I walked into work one morning and received an email that said, "Congratulations! You were selected..." (but I never applied for this position) I began to hate my job. Really, everyday I was listening to people with explosive verbiage I am not accustomed to hearing. It is stress call after stress call, back to back calls of people yelling at me and I have to NOT become defensive, to just take it. How many times did I say, "I understand", "I'm sorry for the frustration this has caused" or put the caller on mute and vent my frustrations at a screen for being so slow or it would give an error screen, then I had to state to this person, "I'm sorry, I have to reboot my computer" (which is not what an angry person wants to hear, right?) and hope they understand somethings are out of my control. I was so overwhelmed! "I'm listening", "Yes, I'm still here" then with the mute button on, "I wish I were NOT here."

I taped several scriptures to my computer screen but I seemed to quote this one most often:

Great peace have they which love Thy law and NOTHING SHALL OFFEND THEM.
(Some times it was really really close though. Sob-Hic-hh-Hic-Sob).

I also taped this on my computer
Quit Taking It Personally

I have Christian songs on the eraser board in front of my desk so I can remember that God understands the situation I am in and if I just give it to Him, he will hear me when I cry...

Quietly, I begin to sing the song "I Surrender" by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. (Yes, the mute button is on.)

"I Surrender"

Verse 2
Humble and broken I come to You
I'm trusting and waiting
To see what You will do
Lord You know what's best
And at Your feet I find my rest
I'm coming to You again
Lord here I am

I surrender,
I surrender,
Lord, I surrender my life,
Give it all to You. (All to Jesus)

If it were not for Jesus, I would not have been able to make it through this hard time. I prayed about my job and this situation. I told the Lord, I was going to apply myself to be more Christian in my calls (Not that I did anything wrong but I realized every one around me in the office could hear my complaints and frustrations). I began to start my calls like this:

"Thank you for calling... My name is Darlene. I understand there is a problem with... I promise that if there is something I can do to fix the... I will do so or if I have to get it to a department than can fix it I personally will do so. But, if it is something that is completely out of our control because it is not an issue with our company then I will tell you in what needs to be done once you make the right contact. This call is important to you, I want you to know it is important to me."

Wow, what a mouth full, right; but what an introduction. I have won so many positives in just saying that "I'm listening", and "I'm interested in helping you".

Five months later, I went to work, business as usual, and the select group were asked to come to a room. The BIG BOSS (who was not there) was treating us to lunch. Yum-mm, Honey Baked Ham!! Then they handed each one of us a beautiful glass plaque. We saw a video of the BOSS saying thank you and how we made a 95% turned around for the company. (Does it remind you of Charlie's Angels? Just kidding)

I had to look away from the group, because I wanted to cry. Somebody said,"Thank you". They recognized how hard we worked to accomplish what we did. No, I didn't get a raise but I got a thank you and that, my dear friend, made me like my job all over again. Someone said "Thank you" and that took the edge off of my job.
On my days off, my kids will ask me to take them lunch. I was delivering Christopher's lunch when I was asked if the kids pay for my gas for all the running around I do for them? I said, "No, they pay for the lunch themselves. I don't mind picking it up for them". Christopher approaches me and gives me the biggest smile and hug. We chat, he says "Thanks, Mom" grabs the food and "Bye". I smile and said, "That makes it worth-while." Then I drop off Kristen's lunch. Later, she sends me a text, "Thanks for lunch U R the best mom EVERRR :). Makes me wish Jared wanted a lunch today, one more "Super-Mom" in my day would've been great.

Just saying "Thank you" really makes a difference.

Oh, by the way, thank you for stopping by for a visit. It has been a long time since we visited but I think things are looking up. Oh, hello, Sister Franks. It was good seeing you again the other day. Love you.
