October 22, 2012

I Am So Far Behind!

What! October is almost over?
As the White Rabbit in, Alice in Wonderland said,
"I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!"

 October is almost over and I am just getting started.

Here's a little taste of autumn with apple cinnamon chips.
With help from Christopher, we were able to make these apple chips and applesauce.
See the star in the center?
I got the recipe for the apple chips from Rachel at www.bakedbyrachel.com. It looked so simple and I thought making these for a nice autumn treat. I usually make caramel apples but am running behind for my October plannings. What caught my eye was the baking time, 1 to 3 hours( it took almost three). I used Gala apples for that October taste. Three items is all it takes: apples, cinnamon, and sugar; you can find the recipe here.

Finally, I caught up with October. Thank you, Christopher.

Wouldn't it have been wonderful if October were all year?



October 14, 2012

Keep Going

I came across this post on, People I Admire.

"If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there’s shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going."-Harriet Tubman.

It gave me the sensation of the urgency, "Don't Stop For Anything!!", and I was stirred and encouraged. Jared walked in the living room after I read it and I turned and said to him, "Son, if you want to be saved, keep going. If you want to see Jesus, keep going. I want you to be saved so when I am in heaven I will be looking for you, because I knew that you kept going."

I hope you are encouraged!

Pinterest Source

October 12, 2012

Cloning Pictures

This is the open enrollment period for insurance plans and that means we have entered the busiest time of the year at my job. But I wanted to show you a bit of cloning I did with pictures at My Pic Monkey.

These are the original pictures taken at the family reunion.

By using the cloning tool I was able to make individual photos of my sisters and my cousin. All the pictures you see below were cloned. You just target the clone spot you want and then see it develop where you need it.

My sister Tencha is no longer visible in the background because I cloned the tree to make it look as if though Olga had posed alone for this picture.

My cousin Amelia was standing beside Tencha, can you see the white
t-shirt just over Tencha's shoulder? Oops. missed a spot.

Rosalva used to have three people behind her.
Oh, do you see where I left a bit of Carol's turquoise colored shirt?

This is Carol. I cloned the tree where Eva was on the right and Rosalva below.

It was fun working on these pictures, You may have seen them on the slideshow I had up from PhotoBucket. 
Well, like the song says, "Everything is Beautiful" but, in my own way.

