A picture paints a thousand words.
We were gathered together as Family and as family, we knew we were loved and blessed to be together.
My Tia Ruth is helping make tortillas. It was Carlo's recipe and they were wonderful!!
psst... I got the recipe, too.
The Organizer of the reunion was my brother, Carlo, he has a heart of gold. Carlo, Bingham, Monica, Olga, were responsible in the programs, I did the games, and everyone helped where a hand was needed.
I love being with my sisters; it's a girl thing, I guess. Of the girls born into the family, Carol is the first and Eva is number five, and I am the sixth.
Olga, sister number three.
Erika is grilling chicken. Ray is in the red hat.
Diane is in the background, Olga is also making tortillas, Ismael is to the right of Olga and Carlo is to the left.
Stephanie helped in the grilling, too.
My sister, Hortencia (Tencha) is the second of the girls born to the family.
My mom looks great in hats and has quite the collection of them.
That is where we girls get our love for hats.
That is where we girls get our love for hats.
Eva, Olga, Carol, our cousin Amelia, my Aunt Angela, me and Tencha
My aunts with my mom.
Me, Ismael and Carlo.
Top L-R: Erika, Rosalva, Alicia, Carol, Amelia, and I.
Seated L-R: Tencha, Olga, Eva, Tia Ruth, Tia Angela, and Linda.
You oughta be in pictures, we had a spot right beside us for you.

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