Mr. Washington, "I would like the stars to be six pointed".
"The stars in the sky are five pointed stars", said Mrs. Ross.
Everyone stepped outside to see the night sky and George Washington agreed that the stars were five pointed and not six.
As a child, I learned this part of history in school and I wanted to share it with you, dear friend. Just a little bit of the history of our flag, and a grand, Ol Flag, she was! Thirteen stars, one for each colony.
Click on the picture of Betsy Ross to read more about the story of our flag.
I happen to believe that we aught to share with our children the love for our Country, the Anthem and the American flag. And when the Anthem is being sung we should be on our feet and with our right hand over our heart. Our children should know how to say the Pledge of Allegiance and the importance of God being in it. God Bless America! It is the land that I love!

Happy Fourth of July!!

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