I finally did it, I made my own laundry soap. Thanks to Maryjane from The Beehive Cottage I had a recipe to follow and the results were amazing.
" Les Lavandières" or The Washer Women
Jean Francois French painter, 1814-1875
(Ahem, I am not this "Old Fashioned" in doing laundry)

So, I am telling all my friends, "I used to mix Ariel laundry soap to my laundry detergent for that really clean scent but now I saved money and I have enough soap for about 150 loads. I purchased the Zote bars at the 99 Cent Store and the remaining ingredients at Walmart. The total costs were $10.46. That's less than 7 cents a load.I found the Fels Naptha bars that Maryjane uses at Walmart after I bought the Zote bars. Well, next time I will try the Fels Naptha. I am so proud of this I wanted to share it with you".
1, 4 lb. box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda,
1, 4lb box of Arm and Hammer baking soda
1, 4lb. box of Borax
and 3 bars of either Zote, Fels Naptha, or Kirk's Castile's (the soap has to be shredded or grated, I used a cheese grater)
Once the bars are grated mix together all ingredients.
It has to be stored in a tight container so I am using the pastel buckets from Home Depot. Open the bucket and breath-in the smell of "Clean"!! It only takes 1-2 T. of soap for a super clean wash. (I used 1.5 T. of soap for each load) I washed my sheets so when I climb into bed I will be surrounded with this wonderful scent. You have just got to try it for yourself.
Thank you, Maryjane.
Visit her blog at The Beehive Cottage for all her wonderful ideas and recipes.
Click on the picture for the Beehive Cottage
and Maryjane's Homemade Laundry Soap recipe
and Maryjane's Homemade Laundry Soap recipe
Oh Darlene! I am thrilled you gave the laundry soap a try and that you love it! I know, the smell is heavenly! I hope you make it for many years to come! It's a keeper!