My youngest son, Christopher is turning 17 on December 11th. I am so happy to be his mom. He calls me "Momma" he is the only one of my three that calls me by that name. It is so exciting that he is 17 and yet bittersweet at the same time. All to soon he is growing up. Oh, how I love my son, a real blessing to me. He has quite the testimony on how the Lord spared his life so many times.
My son, Christopher John Payan

Happy Birthday, Son. God bless, keep and use you for His service and that you may be a godly man after God's own heart. I love you so much,

Awwwww!!! Happy birthday Chris!!! Your an AWESOME young man!!! Keep your eyes on Jesus and keep being sweet to your Momma!!! Sis. Payan, Destiny and I would like to present you with a FUN holiday challenge!!!