It was 7:41 A.M. when I received the tap on my shoulder from a supervisor, the dreaded phone call, "Your daughter called and she is crying", I looked at the clock and knew, I just knew what happened. My daughter should be driving home to pick up my youngest son to take him to school. Not knowing if one of my children or both were involved, (calm down, girl). I frantically placed the call and left my job, "My baby needs me!" Or was it, "I need my baby!" My daughter, Kristen, was involved in an accident two weeks ago. She is alive and that is what matters. Count your blessings each day, my friend, count your blessings each day. I have told everyone the only thing that really disturbed me was her remark to the policeman, "My mother is going to kill me!" I asked her if she was preparing him to have me arrested as soon as I arrived to scene of the accident? Yes, my van was totaled but my daughter is alive and everyone else involved are doing well! Thank the Lord!

I was going to post some pictures of the accident, of her in the hospital, and as she was walking with a cane but I had second thoughts about it. So, I did a little bit of searching and found exactly what I was looking for, I am posting something that really matters to me instead.
Christopher giving his sister a kiss.
Kristen with friends,Chelsea and Mary, and then with Cassia
Dannah and Kristen
Rachel, Sarah, Marissa and Kristen
Hannah and Kristen
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