On Monday, August 22, school starts again. Christopher is starting his eleventh year and is fully excited for it to begin. The privilege's of being a Junior is going to cost him a lot of work.
Along with the Senior class he will be participating in school fundraisers for the graduating class of 2012. There will be hot lunches he will need to contribute too, rummage sales where he will stay up all night pricing and setting up the school parking lot for the sale and a few of the boys will be sleeping in the parking lot posing as "Night Security". He will be helping make tamales for the Christmas season, and running the snack bar at school. I know there will be days when he is going to tell me on the morning of or on the night before an event that he needs to take this and that or that I was supposed to cook or bake and by the way, where did I leave his permission slip? I have lived this life routine for 11 school years plus kindergarten, and every year I say I will plan better, shop wiser, that I will be the school mom everyone loves because I am willing to go the extra mile and oh, so helpful! Like I said, "Christopher is starting his eleventh year and is fully excited for it to begin." This privilege of him being a Junior is going to cost me a lot of work.

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